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"10 out of 10! I wish I had met you years ago Sean! This was life-changing!""

Mom of three

Signs Your Kid Has An Toxic Relationship With Screens

✔️ Your child seems to obsess about being on a screen, or when they can be on a screen

✔️Your child says they "NEED" a screen because....(insert co-dependent reason)

✔️Your tween/teen is spending most Saturday/Sunday on a screen and not outside with friends or family...

✔️ Your child sits on their bed in front of a screen from 3pm-bedtime "studying"...

✔️ Your tween/teen has hacked the "Screen Time" app to get around the screen boundaries...

✔️ Your teen doesn't have healthy sleep patterns...

✔️ Your blows up or gets cranky when they get off a screen...or avoids family life

✔️ Your child has a D or an F in a class

Welcome to Parenting Modern Teens (and Kids!)

If your child is screen-addicted or has developed an unhealthy relationship with a screen, you are in the right place.

I can show you what to do.

I have successfully shown thousands of parents the steps they can to, and we can show you.

Sean Donohue is a Family Coach and the founder of, speaks to millions of parents every year through social media and his podcast, The Sean Donohue Show podcast, is one of the Top Parenting Podcasts in the world.

He has coached and mentored parents and teens for 25+ years and is known worldwide as the "The Family Coach."

Learn The Process Which Breaks Any Screen Addiction!

A Few of the Problems This Will Help You Solve...

"What if my kid needs screens for school?"

"When I talk about limiting screens he/she gets angry, manipulative, anxious or emotional."

"He/She tells me all of their friends on screens..." 

"My teen always says he/she is studying."

"My kid will hardly even leave their room..."

"What is normal, healthy screen time?"

"I feel I have tried everything..."

"I Need This!"

"I'm Ready To Break Screen Overuse and Addiction In My Home!"

The E-Book



✔︎ E-Book

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The Complete Guide



✔︎ E-Book

✔︎ Live Zoom Q and A and Teaching With Sean

✔︎  On-Demand Class to watch right now


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The Complete Guide +
Sean's VIP Membership

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In his VIP membership, Sean will coach you, personally help you break your child's screen addiction, 180 degrees transform their behavior, and help you create an amazing, healthy, loving home. 

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The Complete Guide Includes...

 The Complete Guide experience includes the step-by-process which has helped thousands of teens/tweens and families.

✔︎ Watch the class On-Demand right now!

✔︎ (Included for free!) Attend the next Live, Zoom class experience with Sean Donohue. Live teaching. Live Q and A. Live role-playing! Ask Sean anything! 

🔑 Sean will teach you why reaching the heart is essential in breaking a screen addiction, and a secret on how to reach a closed or defiant heart.

✔︎ All parents will also get the Class Recording! (Rewatch this anytime or you share the video with your co-parent, up to 30 days after the live Zoom.)

✔︎ The E-Book : 65 page e-book of tools, steps, stages and creative ideas!  


E-Book Details

Page 9 - Learn how to reach their Head and their Heart

Page 12 - Learn why screen contracts don’t work with some teens

Page 13 - Learn why emotions and trust is where the real battle lies

Page 16 - Learn a parenting structure that works for screen-addicted kids/tweens/teens

Page 18 - Learn what to do if your teen has Ds and Fs in school

Page 27 - Learn a tool to get your kids off screens at night.

Page 29 - Learn a tool that helps kids live a life of balance!

Page 38 - Learn a powerful action step that reaches their hearts

Page 40 - Learn a life-changing parenting tool that helps defiant and screen-addicted kids break free and change!

Page 48 - If your addicted teen gets abusive or violent, learn some action steps.

Page 43 - Learn about the “Detox Stage” and what to do.

Page 52 - Learn some creative tools when your addicted teen starts manipulating, exploding or tries to punish you.

Page  54 - Learn what to do in the “Boredom Stage”.

Page 56  - Learn how to reach the Win/Win Stage!

Page 62- Learn how to prep for the Zoom session with Sean so you get your questions answered!

The Next Live Zoom Experience With Sean Is...










Parents Have Said...

"Wow, this was amazing! I wish I had learned these tools years ago." - Mom

"Sean, your Complete Guide To Break Screen Addiction class was incredible! Life-changing! I was laughing and crying through the whole thing." -Father of three

I learned lots of better ways to have heart talk and work to solutions better.

"Thank you for today!  Keep up everything you’re doing…you’re making a big difference.  I recommend your channels all the time." -Dad

"I just read the Class Handout to the Complete Guide To Break Screen Addiction". Wow! It was intense and so good!" - Erik

"This was so amazing Sean, I wish I had met you years ago. Thank you." - Mom

"Sean's energy, humor and connection with us parents - 10 out of 10!" - Mom

"Amazing. Great use of humor and role-playing." - Mom

"Sean role playing and acting like both the parent and the child was incredible." - Dad

"Sean has really taught me how to tune into my own emotions." - Mom 

"Good for my heart right now. Thanks for the support and humor!” - Mom

“It was really great! Encouraging and helpful. Highly recommend.” - Mom

"You have great energy and a fresh outlook on parenting!" -Mom


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