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Here are more 6 WAYS to get free coaching and support from Sean

#1 - Get Sean's "Parenting Tips and Tools" emails right to your inbox!


#2 - Enjoy my Top 10 in the world parenting podcast!

Find us everywhere podcasts are found!

Click HERE 

#3 - Free Tool! Use this with your kids!

"House Rules for Tweens/Teens" 

Click HERE 

#4 - Enjoy dozens of free parenting videos from Sean on YouTube

Pick the topic that you need!

Videos range from 10-30 minutes.

#5 - Free Social Media Videos


500,000+ parent followers 


300,000+ parent followers


500,000+ parent followers

#6 - Click HERE to access dozens of free parenting articles and action steps Sean and his team have written

#7 - Schedule a free, on air, coaching session with Sean Donohue*

*Talk to Sean in a live phone call and enjoy a free coaching session with him. The phone call will be recorded and later shared on his podcast, The Sean Donohue Show.

You can change your name to hide your identity and keep your privacy.

To apply for this experience, email Sean.




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"I am ready for your amazing class Sean!"