"Coaching Changed My Kid's Life!" - Kelly, Mother of Two
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1:1 Life-Coaching Sessions For Young People

High-Level EQ Coaching and Mentorship For Tweens, Teens and 20s...Using Our Proven Process and Methods

We developed a unique and powerful approach to support young people. This isn't traditional therapy...

...for most, it's something better.


-Sean Donohue, Founder

"The Family Coach" on social media

""My teen and I were on a very difficult path. Our PMT Coach pushed her in ways that I couldn't, and now she is a joy to be around. There was a 180º turnaround in her behavior and attitude."

Mother of Three

Parents, Can You Relate With This?

Hey, it’s Sean. 👋
When our kids struggle, they hurt.
When our kids hurt, we hurt.
When our kids have painful behavioral patterns, everyone hurts.
How do we help our kids when they are hurting and struggling?
The key is we have to "TURN ON" their inner life. We must support their minds, their emotions and their emotional intelligence...and reach their hearts.
This changes them.
We have a proven 1:1 process to help hurting or struggling young people (ages 10-24).
Imagine your child having a hard moment relating to something they would usually not respond to well. (Not hard to imagine!)
You then notice a sudden, positive shift in them.
Your child is remembering the tools they learned in their 1:1 sessions. Yes! Their mind is empowered and "Turned On".
Next, they apply their tools to their challenging situation...
and they respond maturely - like a responsible young adult
This is the power of our work, our 1:1 process.
You should expect to see positive changes in your child.
Coaching. Personalized therapeutic support.  Mentorship. Warm.  Educational. Inspirational.  Empowering.
Life changing.
Because if your child/teen doesn't get the tools they need now, it may get worse....and they may carry these issues into adulthood.
Our tools change their present and their future. 

"Therapy didn't work. It didn't give us tools. Coaching did. We got the TOOLS we needed, and our lives changed!"

Mother of Three

Melissa is a teenager and left us this Yelp review

(We are rated #1 on Yelp under Teen Counseling)

Melissa is a teenager and left us this Yelp review

(We are rated #1 on Yelp under Teen Counseling)

What To Expect

Parents Can Be Confident Their Kids Will Get Life-Changing Support For:

✔︎ Emotional Intelligence. We call this experience "Coaching". We feel this term is much more inviting for young people. (We don't prefer or use the term therapy.)

✔︎ Tools for Stress Management

✔︎ How to Thrive In Parent/Family Relationships

✔︎ How To Manage Their Anger, Rage, or Aggression

✔︎ Tools To Manage Their Anxiety and Depression, and/or to Fully Overcome It

✔︎ Tools To Stop Their Acting out, Defiance and Rebellion

✔︎ EQ Tools for Building Self-Esteem and Confidence

✔︎ How to Manage Screens and Social Media and Break Screen Addiction

✔︎ EQ Assessment, Mindfulness, and Self Awareness

✔︎ Skills To Be Their Best In School...Or Overcome School Refusal

✔︎ Time Management and Executive Functioning

✔︎ Motivation in School and Hard Things

✔︎ Our Coaching Assessment Will Provide them With Their Personality Profile

✔︎ Skills for Honesty and How To Stop Lying

✔︎ How to Show Love and Respect to Parents and Their Family

✔︎ Discover Their Passion and Their Purpose

✔︎ Focus, Grit, and Growth-mindset

✔︎ How To Stop Avoidance/Isolation

✔︎ How To Stop Worry/Perfection-ism

✔︎ How To Attend Your Coaching Sessions and Do The Hard Work to Heal and Grow

✔︎ Skills for College Pressures/Transitions or Preparing for College

✔︎ How to Thrive With Siblings and Live in Peace and Love With Them 

Any + Every Other Issue That Your Kid Is Struggling With!

"Our PMT Coach gave our daughter great tools and skills to better love herself, believe in herself, set boundaries for herself, and respect herself. He also gave my husband and me great tools for holding her accountable for her actions and attitude."

Mother of Four

Zoom and In-Person Coaching*

Coaching on Zoom/ is very effective for modern kids because they FaceTime with their friends on a regular basis. It's a great avenue for them to go deep and do the hard work.

*San Francisco East Bay Area - ask us about in-person sessions.

"My COACH was a constant mentor - steering me away from murky waters and leading me in the way of honor, wisdom and maturity."

High School Student

Get Your Child a Coach!

Teen/Tween/20s Coaching Session


55-60 Minute Session

✔︎ 1 Coaching Session

✔︎ 'Being the Best You' EQ Assessment

✔︎ Life-Changing Coaching 

✔︎ Life Skills, Self-Awareness, EQ Tools to Solve Their Issues

Buy Now

Exclusive Coaching Package


55-60 Minute Sessions

✔︎ 8 Coaching Sessions*

(Buy 7 get 1 free. One-time introductory offer)

✔︎ 'Being the Best You' EQ Assessment

✔︎Life-Changing Coaching 

✔︎ Life Skills, Self-Awareness, EQ Tools To Solve Their Issues

✔︎ One of these sessions can be used as a 1:1 Parent Coaching Session with your kid's coach and also Sean Donohue

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Free 10-Minute Consult Call

Talk with Sean and see if this is a good fit your for your child

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Frequently Ask Questions


Strong-willed kids/teens who were once...

Struggling with a painful issue or painful behavioral pattern, are now changed, and have overcome that pattern.

Angry, mean or selfish are now kind, caring and family oriented.

Screen-addicted, are now living happy, responsible, well-balanced lives.

Constantly fighting with their siblings (or parents) are now using their new tools to bring love and harmony to the home.

Avoidant, lazy or shut down are now engaging and sharing.

Defiant and out-of-control are now obeying their parents and being honest and loving.

Using drugs and vaping are now sober and have self-control.

This is what to expect from our coaching. 


 While PMT Teen Coaching has a lot of similarities with traditional therapy, there are some profound differences.


✔︎ Your child meets with a highly skilled and educated specialist field 

✔︎ Your child feels safe. They are invited to open up to talk and share their personal life, their pain points, their struggles...and their joys, successes and passions.

✔︎ The experience is very intimate. the adult will listen with kindness, empathy and connection.



✔︎ PMT Coaching focuses on giving young people tools. High level EQ tools that they use to solve their problems and poor behavior.

We don't just listen to kids talk about their painful lives, blame others, (or blame themselves) for their struggles or sit in their negative condition. We empower kids with the strategies, support and EQ tools they need to positively change their life and break their painful patterns.

✔︎ In their PMT Coaching your teen will be given a powerful EQ assessment and will receive a fun and positive personality assessment.

✔︎ We make every session fun and interesting. This is NOT your child sitting down with a therapist who asks them, "What do you want to talk about today?" No way! We don't do that. We have a structured approach of tools, process and fun. There is a personal vibe to our work with teens. (This is why we are rated #1 on Yelp!)

✔︎ In PMT coaching, your teen will not just talk. Or vent. We have life-changing activities that engage teenagers, capture their attention, and educate them with tools.

✔︎ PMT Coaching focuses on the present and the future. We don't dwell on the past, and instead help them to create a healed, positive future. We don't specialize in trauma or kids who have been traumatized in their past.

✔︎ Victim or Victor? Here at PMT we teach kids how to become a victor over their painful struggles...and to not stay in victim mentality.

✔︎ We call ourselves Coaches. We are not therapists.

We accept clients ages 10-24.

The majority of your clients are aged 13-20.

Yes and No


You will get a " Update Email" (or text) from your child's Coach after each session.

The Coach will provide a short description of what was discussed in the session, and/or what toolsissues they are working on.

Why do we do this?

We believe in parents. We love and honor parents. We believe that parents are the most important and powerful people in a child's life. 

You can trust the Coach to never disrespect or dishonor you, the parent.


It would be unhelpful for the Coach to share your child's private, personal information with you, or anyone.

If the Coach did this, and if your child found out, their trust would be violated. Trust would be broken and the coaching relationship would likely end...

..and your child would probably never trust a therapist or Coach ever again.

Our Coaches are highly trained and very wise. We enjoy keeping parents in the loop, but will never cross that line.

Think of it this way...

A Coach's job IS TO get a child/teen to talk and open up to them. To do the hard work of growing.

IT'S NOT their job to be a tattle-tell or a middleman. 

A Coach's job IS TO teach and empower the child/teen to talk to their parents. To open up to them. 

If you child opens up to their Coach, the coach will then empower, educate and inspire the child to tell their parents. This is normal and healthy.

And if it's very dangerous or bad, and the child refuses to tell the parent, the coach will solve this problem wisely so the parents are in the loop.

We can help.

If your child/teen is refusing any type of coaching, counseling or therapy, we can help.
We specialize in this! We have helped countless kids like this.

The kid who...

...Refuses to do the inner work so they can replace their negative patterns with good, healthy ones.

About 50% of the teenagers we work with are described this way. And our success rate is close to 100%. Read our Yelp reviews if you don't believe me.

There is a lot you can do.

If you'd like your child to get help or experience coaching with us...

1) Contact Sean for a free consult call

In challenging situations like defiance, screen addiction, acting out, substances, sibling aggression or many others, the parents must be involved in this process...and must make needed changes.

The parents of our clients may be invited or encouraged to schedule a private Parent Session so that they can get the personalized tools they need to better help their child, and break the painful patterns.



We use email and texts to set up sessions, confirm payments and send short update emails.


Yes, you can pay with an HSA card on our website.

We do not accept insurance.* 


*Because coaching has become so popular, some insurance companies will reimburse your costs. We can provide a receipt or invoice if you need one. We do not provide codes.

Like all professionals, we have a 24/hour cancellation policy.

See Terms below for all Terms.

Except for special circumstances, we do not provide refunds for unused, pre-paid sessions. 


Your tween/teen/young adult will be matched with the best coach for their personality and needs. If you'd like, we can discuss which Coach first in a free consult call. 

How Do We Assure Positive Change In Your Kid?

Our team of experienced and certified Youth Coaches will support your kid to...

-Develop personalized strategies and solutions for their specific issues and your unique family dynamics. 

-Every child and every family is different, which is why we take a holistic approach to help, considering all aspects of your life and the specific struggles.

We don't just listen to kids/teens share and vent like a kind therapist.

More importantly, we give them the tools and skills they need to change their painful patterns...and change their lives...and keep their parent in the loop. 

Meet Our Coaches


Is Your Child Age 20 or Up?

👇🏻 Our Clients Have Said...👇🏻

"Learning to properly communicate emotions is an amazing life skill that I can now say I have been developing thanks to PMT. I am thankful for the many tools taught to me."

20-Years Old

Still Not Sure Is Coaching Is For Your Child/Teen/20s???


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