Parenting Modern Teens (& Kids!)

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Why Teens Need EQ Tools

When our children are preschool age, we teach them to use simple feeling words like...

Glad. Sad. Mad.

These basic words help them express what they are feeling to others.

As our children become elementary age, we parents NEED TO TEACH OUR CHILDREN that there are many, many human emotions they feel.... 

...And we need to teach them to communicate these words to us and others. 

This is a part of their EQ training...and them growing to become mature adults.

EQ tools are the most important skills a younger person can learn.

EQ Skills : Their School Doesn't Teach Them!

EQ = Emotional Quotient = Emotional Intelligence the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).

Schools do not teach EQ skills. 

 It's not in the curriculum.

 It's not their job.

Teaching EQ skills is a PARENT'S JOB.

The family home is the school where EQ skills are learned.

If your child or teenager is struggling with EQ skills, it means they need more attention/help from you, their parent.

If you don't help them learn EQ skills, where will they learn them?


1. Print Our "Feeling Words" Document (Scroll Down)

2. Hold Family Meetings Focused on EQ

3. Have Your Teen Watch EQ YouTube Videos

4. Model Good EQ Skills In Your Home

5. Contact a PMT Coach If You Want EQ Coaching


A List Of Human Emotions

HAPPY, cheerful, delighted, elated, encouraged, glad, gratified, joyful, lighthearted, overjoyed, pleased, relieved, satisfied, thrilled, secure, optimistic

LOVING, affectionate, cozy, passionate, romantic, warm, tender, responsive, thankful, appreciative, refreshed, pleased, comforted, reassured

HIGH ENERGY, energetic, enthusiastic, excited, playful, rejuvenated, talkative, pumped, motivated, driven, determined, obsessed, jittery

AMAZED, stunned, surprised, shocked, jolted, enlightened

ANXIOUS, afraid, uneasy, nauseated, nervous, restless, preoccupied, worried, scared, tense, fearful, terrified, insecure, indecisive, hyper-vigilant, cautious

CONFIDENT, positive, secure, self-assured, assertive

PEACEFUL, relieved, at ease, calm, comforted, cool, relaxed, composed, protected

OVERWHELMED, apprehensive, boxed in, burdened, confused, distressed, guarded, hard-pressed, paralyzed, panicky, tense, weighted down, edgy

TRAUMATIZED, shocked, disturbed, injured, damaged, unloved, unloveable, hated

ANGRY, annoyed, controlled, manipulated, furious, grouchy, grumpy, irritated, provoked, frustrated, hateful, cold, icy, bitter, cynical

LOW ENERGY, beaten down, exhausted, tired, weak, listless, depressed, detached, withdrawn, indifferent, apathetic, lazy, bored

ALONE, avoidant, lonely, abandoned, deserted, isolated, cut off, detached, disconnected, unwanted

SAD, unhappy, crushed, dejected, depressed, desperate, hopeless, grieved, heavy, despairing, weepy

BETRAYED, deceived, fooled, duped, tricked, misled, skeptical

CONFUSED, baffled, perplexed, mystified, bewildered, misunderstood, disoriented

ASHAMED, guilt, mortified, humiliated, embarrassed, exposed, stupid

DISAPPOINTED, let down, disheartened, disillusioned, distrustful

INVISIBLE, forgotten, overlooked, unimportant, invisible, disregarded, lost

DESPISED, ridiculed, dumb, belittle, mocked, scorned, shameful, hated, detested

EQ = Emotional Quotient = Emotional Intelligence the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately, use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior, and manage and/or adjust emotions to adapt to environments or achieve one's goal(s).

Be strong. Stay close. Teach wisdom.

 Your Friend,

Sean Donohue

Family Coach 

Founder of

 Click HERE to go deeper with Sean's coaching and learn about yourself! 
